
Playing with spraypaint

I feel like a deliquent when I say this, but I love spraypaint. It's so much fun, and I like being able to transform things with just a quick spray of paint.

Here's a peak at what I did this weekend . . .

Waiting to be painted.
Most of these items will be going atop our kitchen cabinets to break up some of the ultra-whiteness. The basket will hold our cloth napkins.

I haven't quite decided what I will do with the orange pail. I'm thinking of stenciling something on it . . . haven't decided what.

I also tried using a doily as a stencil on a plate.

Picture above:  Doily, Plate. You're welcome. Love, Captain Obvious.

I painted the whole thing orange, and hoped that the doily/stencil would leave a white doily design on an orange background.

That is not what happened.

This is what happened.

You can't tell, because I forgot to take another picture, but the doily didn't sit quite flat on the plate, so paint got under the edges. So, I ended up with fuzzy edges. Which stinks, because what did come out crisply was beautiful. Oh well, life goes on.
So now I have the orange plate, which is still awesome - on account of the orange - but I don't know what sort of design to put on it.
Maybe something like this?

I love what Jen at tatertots and jello has been doing with Quatrefoil lately. You can your own free, downloadable quatrefoil stencil here . While you are there, check out some of Jen's other projects. She's amazing.

And if you have any ideas about what I should do with my poor orange plate, I'm open to suggestions!


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