Nor did I fall off the face of the planet.
Please accept my most humblest apologies for my long absence. My life has been . . . . busy. Hectic. Chaotic. Insane, even.
Like this lady, except she apparently still had time to put on makeup. |
Oh wait! Here I am atop my soapbox! How did I get here? Excuse me as I climb down. |
Because 89 billion legos are boring.
So are 542 thousand crayons, markers, colored pencils, stamps, stickers, and papers.
And hundreds upon hundreds of books.
And it's too hot outside.
Ok, I'll give them that last one. It's crazy hot here. Last time I checked the temperature it was 90 degrees at 10 pm. Hot.
Hot. |
So, most of the time that's what I do. I hang out with my dudes instead of doing homework. Sometimes we draw and color and make signs for Dad.
Like this. |
They disappear, though, when it's time to clean up. |
Except for the homework thing.
Not so much with the homework. Because aside from all the fun with the dudes, the past month(ish) has also included:
- Babe's lovely knee issues. Issues that mean walking is excruciatingly painful. He's getting better now with PT, but he was stuck on his butt for many many days. And somehow, even though I was a single mom for many years and used to do all this stuff by myself, this time, with him out of commission, everything sucks. A lot. But it's getting better.
- I had to have a tooth pulled. One of the very very back ones on the bottom. That means it was especially difficult to extract. Lots and lots o' yanking and pulling and pain and misery. And then a big hole. And a sore jaw and lots o' pain and crankiness.
- Babe's nephew came to stay with us for a few days. Which wasn't a hardship at all because K is pretty fantastic and fun and he was a huge HUGE help to me. But, y'know, having houseguests throws ya off your game a little bit.
- It's hot. So hot. I know, I sound like a whiny baby. But it's really really really hot. And humid. The kind of hot you can see. The kind of humid that makes walking to the mailbox feel like swimming. The kind of hot that means there is no point in running the AC during the day because it will still be 80 degrees inside my house. The kind of humid that means my hair has puffed out to about 4 times its normal size. The kind of hot that suckes the energy out of you and makes you want to just sit by a fan in your underwear and eat a popsicle. HOT.
Pictured: HOT. |
So, now, at 2 am Monday morning, I have 5 (!) days left of this semester. 5 (!) days left of my undergraduate degree.
A degree that I began in 1996. A diploma that has been 14 years in the making. And all that stands between me and that long-awaited degree is . . . .
Not four pages.
Four papers.
Because I'm awesome.
So maybe I should stop writing THIS, and start writing THOSE.
Yeah. Good idea.